Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter 2: Basic Abstract Data Types. Problem 2.2.a

//list as an array - provide insert(), delete() and locate() functionality

#include <stdio.h>

void list_delete( int* array, int& size, int elemToDelete );
int locate( int* array, int size, int elemToLocate);
void insert( int* array, int& size, int elemToInsert );
void PrintArray( int* array, int size);

void main()
int array[100];
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 2;
array[2] = 3;
array[3] = 4;
array[4] = 5;
array[5] = 6;
array[6] = 7;

int size = 7; //current size of the array.

//lets use the functions.
int pos = -1;
pos = locate( array, size, 0 );
if( pos == -1 )
printf("element 0 not found." );
printf("element 0 found at position [%d].\n", pos );

pos = locate(array, size, 6);
if( pos == -1 )
printf("element 6 not found." );
printf("element 6 found at position [%d].\n", pos );

PrintArray(array, size);

insert( array, size, 0);
insert( array, size, 10 );
insert( array, size, 11 );

PrintArray( array, size);

list_delete( array, size, 0 );
list_delete( array, size, 1 );
list_delete( array, size, 2 );

PrintArray( array, size );

int locate( int* array, int size, int elemToLocate)
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
if( array[i] == elemToLocate )
return i;
return -1;

void insert( int* array, int& size, int elemToInsert )
//find position of where to insert the elem
int i;
for( i=0; i< size; i++ )
if( array[i] > elemToInsert )

if( i != size )
//we need to move the array in right direction
for( int j = size; j > i; j-- )
array[j] = array[j-1];
array[i] = elemToInsert;

void list_delete( int* array, int& size, int elemToDelete )
//find pos of element to delete.
int i;
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
if( array[i] == elemToDelete )
if( i == size-1 )
//last elem needs to be deleted
else if( i == size )
//element not found
/* need to move the elements to the left. */
for( int j = i; j < size-1; j++ )
array[j] = array[j+1];

void PrintArray( int* array, int size)
printf("\n Array is --> \n" );
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
printf("[%d]\n", array[i] );
printf("End of array.\n");

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