Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 2: Basic Abstract Data Types. Problem 2.7

//2.7 -- implement a linked list to store a binary number. 
//each node should store one bit.
//add a recursive operation to increment this binary number.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

//each node stores one bit.
struct NODE
unsigned char bit; //The smallest data type in C is a char.
NODE* next;

bool ValidateBinaryNumberString(const string& sBinaryNumberStr);
int RecursiveIncBinaryNumber(NODE* node);
void CreateListForBinaryNumber(NODE** head, const string& sBinaryNumberStr);
void PrintBinaryNumber(NODE* head);
void IncrementBinaryNumber(NODE** head);
int RecursiveIncBinaryNumber(NODE* node);

void main()
cout << "Enter the binary number --> " << endl;
string sBinaryNumber;
cin >> sBinaryNumber;
if( !ValidateBinaryNumberString(sBinaryNumber) )
cout << "Binary number in invalid format. Valid number can contain only 1 or 0 characters." << endl;
//Lets create a linked list to represent this binary number.
//the MSB is stored in the head and LSB just before the tail.
NODE* head = NULL;
CreateListForBinaryNumber(&head, sBinaryNumber);

bool ValidateBinaryNumberString(const string& sBinaryNumberStr)
if( !sBinaryNumberStr.length() )
return false;

for(int n=0; n<sBinaryNumberStr.length(); n++)
if( sBinaryNumberStr[n] != '0' && sBinaryNumberStr[n] != '1' )
return false;
return true;

void CreateListForBinaryNumber(NODE** head, const string& sBinaryNumberStr)
if( !head )
if( !sBinaryNumberStr.length() )

NODE* curr = NULL;

for( int n=0; n<sBinaryNumberStr.length(); n++ )
NODE* newNode = new NODE;
newNode->bit = sBinaryNumberStr[n] == '1' ? 1 : 0;
newNode->next = NULL;

if( *head == NULL )
*head = newNode;
curr->next = newNode;
curr = newNode;

void PrintBinaryNumber(NODE* head)
if( !head )

cout << "Binary Number is --> " << endl;
for( NODE* curr = head; curr != NULL; curr=curr->next )
if( curr->bit )
cout << "1";
cout << "0";
cout << endl << "<-- End of Binary Number." << endl;

void IncrementBinaryNumber(NODE** head)
if( !head )

int nBitToAdd = RecursiveIncBinaryNumber(*head);
//This takes care of the case where there is a carry over from the Most signinficant bit.
if( nBitToAdd )
//We need to add a new node for this bit.
NODE* newNode = new NODE;
newNode->bit = 1;
NODE* temp = *head;
*head = newNode;
newNode->next = temp;

//Recursively adds one to the binary number.
//returns a 1 if there is a carry over otherwise 0.
int RecursiveIncBinaryNumber(NODE* node)
if( !node )
return 0;

int nBitToAdd = 1; //This starts with 1 because we want to add 1 to the binary number.
if( node->next )
nBitToAdd = RecursiveIncBinaryNumber(node->next);

if( nBitToAdd )
if( node->bit == 0 )
nBitToAdd = 0;
node->bit = 1;
return nBitToAdd;

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