Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter 2: Basic Abstract Data Types. Problem 2.4

//program to concatenate list of lists into a single list 
//in this program, number of lists are 10.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct NODE
int nValue;
NODE* next;

void CreateLists(NODE** lists, int nLists);
NODE* CreateSortedList(int nStart, int nInc, int nTotal);
void PrintLists( NODE** list, int nLists);
void PrintList( NODE* list);
NODE* ConcatLists(NODE** lists, int nLists);

void main()
//array of sorted lists
NODE* lists[10] = { 0 }; //Note: In C, there is no easy way to initialize all elements (not considering memset) - except if you want to initialize
//all elements to 0 - which is what I want in this case.

NODE* newList = ConcatLists(lists, sizeof(lists)/sizeof(lists[0]));

void CreateLists(NODE** lists, int nLists) //Pass array by reference
if( !lists )

int nStart = 0;
int nInc = 2;
for( int n = 0; n < nLists; n++ )
lists[n] = CreateSortedList(nStart,nInc,10);
//Just to add some variety to the lists created
nStart += 10;
if( nInc == 2 )
nInc = 1;
nInc = 2;

//Creates a sorted list of nTotal elements.
//First element assigned a value nStart.
//Second element = nStart+nInc
//and so on...
NODE* CreateSortedList(int nStart, int nInc, int nTotal)
NODE* head = NULL;
NODE* curr = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++ )
NODE* newNode = new NODE;
newNode->nValue = nStart;
newNode->next = NULL;
if( !head )
//first node
head = newNode;
curr = head;
//second node onwards
curr->next = newNode;
curr = curr->next;
nStart += nInc;
return head;

void PrintLists( NODE** list, int nLists)
for( int n = 0; n < nLists; n++ )

void PrintList( NODE* list)
if( !list )
cout << "Empty list." << endl;
cout << "List is --> " << endl;
for( NODE* curr = list; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next )
cout << curr->nValue << " ";
cout << endl << "<-- End of list." << endl;

//the main function that does the concatenation
NODE* ConcatLists(NODE** lists, int nLists)
if( !lists )
return NULL;

NODE* newList = NULL;
NODE* currList = NULL;
NODE* endOfNewList = NULL;

//Run the loop for all but the last list cause it just needs to be appended
for( int n = 0; n < nLists-1; n++ )
currList = lists[n];
if( !newList )
newList = currList;
endOfNewList->next = currList;
//Find the end of this list for next iteration
for( endOfNewList = currList; endOfNewList->next != NULL; endOfNewList = endOfNewList->next );
endOfNewList->next = lists[nLists-1];
return newList;

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