Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chapter 2: Basic Abstract Data Types. Problem 2.10

Problem 2.10. We wish to store a list in an array A whose cells consist of two fields,
data to store an element and position to give the (integer0 position of the element.
An integer last indicates that A[0] through A[last] are used to hold the list.
The type LIST can be defined by

LIST = record
last := integer;
elements: array[1.. maxlength] of record
data: elementtype;
position: integer

//problem 2.10. 

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct REC
int nData;
int nPos; //starts from 1.

struct LIST
int nLast; //points to the last element in the list.
//size of the list = nLast+1
REC list[10]; //Statically allocated for simplicity.
//This would be replaced by a pointer to an array in a
//profressional program.

void CreateList(LIST* listStr);
bool ListHasSpace(LIST* listStr);
void PrintList(LIST* listStr);
bool AddElementToList(LIST* listStr, int data, int pos);
void DeleteElemAtPos(LIST* listStr);

void main()
LIST listStr;
memset(&listStr,0,sizeof(listStr)); //memset to set everything to 0.
//elements with 0 position are invalid as position starts with 1.
listStr.nLast = 9; //10-1 because the list can only hold 10 objects for now

//Create the list by taking user input
cout << "List created." << endl;
string sAns = "n";
cout << "Continue with deletions (y/n)?:";
cin >> sAns;
if( sAns[0] == 'n' || sAns[0] == 'N' )

void CreateList(LIST* listStr)
if( !listStr )

while( ListHasSpace(listStr) )
int data = 0;
int pos = 0;


cout << "Enter the data for element in the list:";
cin >> data;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the position of this data item in the list:";
cin >> pos;

if( !AddElementToList(listStr, data, pos) )
cout << "Invalid position." << endl;

//Returns true if there are empty elements in the list.
//Empty elements are defined by a position of 0.
bool ListHasSpace(LIST* listStr)
if( !listStr )
return false;

for( int n = 0; n < listStr->nLast+1; n++ )
if( listStr->list[n].nPos == 0 )
return true;
return false;

void PrintList(LIST* listStr)
if( !listStr )
if( listStr->nLast <= 0 )

cout << "List --------> " << endl;
for( int n = 0; n < listStr->nLast+1; n++ )
if( listStr->list[n].nPos == 0 )
cout << "<Empty Element>" << endl;
cout << "Data [" << listStr->list[n].nData << "]" << " Pos [" << listStr->list[n].nPos << "]." << endl;
cout << "<----------- End of List" << endl;

//true if element can be successfully added - which means there is space in the list as well as position is unique
bool AddElementToList(LIST* listStr, int data, int pos)
if( !listStr )
return false;
if( pos == 0 )
return false;

//first validate if this position already exists in the list or not.
//if it does, error out
//and while we are traversing the list, find the next empty space too.
int nPositionInList = -1;
for( int n = 0; n < listStr->nLast+1; n++ )
if( nPositionInList == -1 && listStr->list[n].nPos == 0 )
nPositionInList = n;
if( listStr->list[n].nPos == pos )
//something is already there at this position.
return false;
if( nPositionInList == -1 )
return false;
//all set to add the element
listStr->list[nPositionInList].nData = data;
listStr->list[nPositionInList].nPos = pos;
return true;

void DeleteElemAtPos(LIST* listStr)
if( !listStr )

int pos = -1;
cout << "Enter position of element to delete: " << endl;
cin >> pos;

if( pos == 0 )
cout << "Invalid Position." << endl;

if( listStr->nLast <= 0 )
cout << "List is empty." << endl;

//assumption: the list does not contain duplicate elements with the same position.
int posToDelete = -1;
//find the element that needs to be deleted.
for( int n = 0; n < listStr->nLast+1; n++ )
if( listStr->list[n].nPos == pos )
posToDelete = n;
if( posToDelete == -1 )
cout << "Could not find element with position [" << pos << "]." << endl;
cout << "Element at position [" << pos << "] will be deleted." << endl;
//Delete the element at the position by overwriting this with elements after it.
for( int n = posToDelete; n < listStr->nLast; n++ )
listStr->list[n].nData = listStr->list[n+1].nData;
listStr->list[n].nPos = listStr->list[n+1].nPos;
//one element less from the array.

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